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Philosophy in year 10

Philosophy in year 10 (bilingual course)

Philosophy encourages us to challenge how we see the world, deepen our understanding, and get closer to the truth. In our Grade 10 philosophy class, we'll tackle big questions using a range of philosophical ideas. Our goal is to use these concepts to better understand both the world and ourselves. This course will cover important topics such as the nature of science, the role of art, ethical thinking, and how our minds are connected to our bodies. We'll concentrate on four main questions:

What is Science? Learn about different scientific methods, how theories are formed, and discuss how trustworthy scientific discoveries are.

What is Art? Explore what art means to society and how we perceive beauty through personal and cultural lenses.

What Should We Do? Address ethical dilemmas and discover various ethical principles that guide our choices.

What is the Mind? Discuss how our minds and bodies work together and what consciousness is.

Through engaging discussions and exercises in critical thinking, the main goal of this course is to deepen your understanding and improve your ability to think deeply about your own experiences. Join us for a journey that is engaging, thought-provoking, and sure to spark your curiosity.


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